The Importance of A Terrace And A Balcony Waterproofing

The Importance of A Terrace And A Balcony Waterproofing

Completing the terrace and the balcony waterproofing of the buildings which will be exposed to water is important for the aesthetic properties and performance of a building.

You might have experienced problems related to a leaking balcony or a terrace after heavy rain. The downpour forms a pool in your balcony and it starts to leak down to the lower floor. The leaking from balconies is actually a serious problem. It can cause cracks and chips, not to mention the unsafe joints and sealants.

Just ceramic coating applied to the terraces and balconies of the building does not provide any protection without completing the waterproofing. There will be water leakage from the terraces to be constructed in this way, which will cause the lower floor comfort problem and reduce the life of the building.

Therefore, the selection and application of the right waterproofing material play an important role in terrace and balcony isolation. In this article, we will go through balcony waterproofing and the question of how do you waterproof an outdoor balcony.

How to Apply A Terrace And A Balcony Waterproofing

Waterproofing applications, which have great importance for the protection of open spaces such as balcony and terrace, can be carried out in a few steps. Accordingly, it is necessary to prepare the application surface for the system that will provide waterproofing under ceramic coatings. How do you waterproof and outdoor balcony or terrace? You can take a look at the following preparation and application steps in detail.

1. The Preparation Step

It is necessary to prepare the application surface before applying the ceramic coating. Anti-sticking residues, loose parts should be cleaned before applying waterproofing materials. The surface should be smooth, firm, and clean. If required, surface defects should be repaired with suitable repair mortars.

Repair and reinforcement systems, specially developed by building chemicals expert BAUMERK to repair surface defects, will offer the most suitable solution for your needs in this sense.

2. The Chamfering Step

Cement-based waterproofing

To prevent the water from accumulating in the corners of the terrace and balcony to reach the lower layers, waterproofing should be provided by applying chamfer bands to the wall and floor junction points. Chamfer tapes, also known as waterproofing tapes, must be flexible to protect against possible expansions and maintain their elasticity.

Besides, high resistance to tearing is significant for terrace and balcony waterproofing efficiency. Baumerk's complementary product options may provide the best answer to your needs.

3. Application of The Waterproofing Layer

After the surface preparation, the waterproofing layer application is started. At this point, it is critical to choose the most suitable waterproofing material in accordance with the water exposure of the building, its contact with the sun rays, and other needs. The terrace, balcony & wet-damp floor waterproofing products developed by Baumerk for different demands can be considered as an ideal option for terrace and balcony waterproofing layer applications.

4. Application of The Last Layer Protection Material

After applying ceramic coating on the terrace and balcony surfaces, proper joint filling application and last layer protection material should be used. In the case of no coating, it will be important to choose a topcoat paint that is UV light resistant, non-fading, and resistant to pedestrian traffic.

Waterproofing Over Existing Tiles

How do you waterproof over existing tiles? It is recommended to remove the existing tiles and then waterproof a balcony if the existing waterproofing system is failing or tiles are in a bad condition or if the problem is related to tiles.

However, waterproofing over existing tiles is also possible. In this case, it is important to check if the existing tiles are in good condition. They should be firmly attached to the substrate for a better result.

The correct waterproofing application is essential for the comfort of your building, and therefore, for your comfort. Waterproofing is one of the factors that directly affect the aesthetic appearance of the building, and incorrectly applied terrace and balcony waterproofing can also lead to irreversible damage.

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