Bitumen-Rubber Based, Single Component, Super Elastic Liquid Membrane - SCHOUBIT PLAST 1K

Bitumen-Rubber Based, Single Component, Super Elastic Liquid Membrane - SCHOUBIT PLAST 1K


SCHOUBIT PLAST 1K is a bitumen-rubber based, ready-to-use, single-component liquid membrane with elastomeric additives that used for insulating water and damp. By the evaporation of the water it contains, it adheres firmly to the applied surface and forms a highly elastic waterproof layer.

Fields of Application

Features and Benefits

Application Procedure

Preparation of Substrate

The application surface should be without dust, rust, dirt, grease and oil. The loose parts should be scrapped out. B PR 101 should be used on non-metallic surfaces, B PR 102 should be used on metallic surfaces as primer. The sharp corners or horizontal-vertical joints should be rounded and angled with PH 55.

Application Method

SCHOUBIT PLAST 1K is a cold applied and ready to use material, it does not need to dilution. It can be applied with a bitumen brush, airless pump or trowel. Depending on weather conditions, it dries in approximately 5-6 hours. It should not be applied in rainy weather, when the temperature below +5°C. Next layer should be applied on dry layer.


1,0 – 1,5 kg/m2 for each layer. Recommended at least 2 layers application


20 kg metal pail

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